In to my second week of 'resting' and the anti-inflammatories seem to be doing their job. The shoulder only hurts if doing something like driving or working on the computer, but it's the bloody bi-cep that annoys me the most. Every morning throb! throb! so I find myself downstairs listening to the dawn chorus and trying to kill time until I can go back up to bed for a few hours of dozing. My body clock is shot to hell. Here I sit at 7 am bloody starving, the light pouring through the window, as I listen to the now familiar sounds of the world waking up and getting ready for the working day ahead.

And I lost my mobile phone on Sunday!! So I've charged up the old Sony Ericcson and am waiting for a new genie sim card I got on eBay for 89p. It's weird not being able to text the world, you feel out of the loop, on the subby bench and scared to go anywhere in the car without it.

My new digital camera takes some great photos. I've found a setting called AUTO that seems to be the best. The only bad thing is that it is a bit bulky and swings about on the neck strap whilst walking and I can't find a case for it.

I'm starting to get pretty good on the ukulele now and am finding it a lot more fun to play than the geetar even though Rosie is threating to ram it up my arse as I sit picking away on it while she watches TV.

So, as Zebedee said, Time for bed!

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