For some reason I called the in-car radio a RECORD PLAYER today and Bro almost fell of the passenger seat in amusement. Ah well, I only have 2 vinyl records that I've stashed away 'American Prayer' by Jim Morrisson and Syd Barretts 'Barrett'/'The Madcap laughs'.

Back to work for me tomorrow after 2 weeks R'n'R. Is that rest and relaxation, or rock and roll? A bit of both, t'was good to be able to rest the old shoulder but I must admit to being a bit bored sometimes as I'm not much of a TV junkie or a surfer of the web, so I found myself starring into space and contemplating important stuff like, 'what shall I cook for tea tonight?' and 'I wonder if there's any live footy on the box?'.

My sleeping habits are shot to pieces as I've been going to bed quite early for me at about 11pm, then waking up at 4am, coming down the stairs to arse about till 6am then going back to bed for a couple of hours before getting up again at 9am, doing something, then having a 'power nap' some time in the afternoon and feeling groggy for an hour until I 'shook the dreams from my head pretty child'(that's Jim Morrisson btw)

Anyway, I've also managed to wean myself of DHCs and other strange painkillers over the last fortnight that I was becoming reliant upon to ease the pain in my shoulder. Cold Turkey ain't so bad, it just gives you a different angle on how to smooth down the rough edges. It ain't easy though, man, you gotta face life full on, and appreciate all those things you were missing, whereas before, the soft cushion of morphine was letting it all pass by in a warm, cosy current of complacency. Is my body and constitution so strong that I can deal with all this, well so far so good. I've been addicted and got through it, my will is strong, I look back and think ' my god, man, how did you manage?, well I did 'cause I'm me, the spirit is true, I have weaknesses that I overcame, will have to overcome in the future, and who I am today is who I was yesterday, just a little bit wiser but a whole lot more worn down. 

And with that, it's time for another drink.

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